23-24 Jul 2025

Outlining the future of hazardous waste reforms in Australia

Jul 21, 2015

The Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo (AWRE) Breakfast Briefing sponsored by Transpacific will highlight key hazardous waste reforms pursued by the Department of the Environment and other Commonwealth agencies at a national level. Drawing the threads together from prior hazardous waste reform work, the presentation will discuss the opportunities available for reform policy.

This Breakfast Briefing affords the opportunity for those involved in, and concerned with, the hazardous waste to network with likeminded individuals and hear first-hand from relevant industries who face similar sets of challenges.

Developments in these policy reforms would be especially relevant to those in the healthcare sector, Manufacturing, generators of e-waste and generators of toxic or chemical waste.

The presentation will cover policy reform proposals which hope to achieve national consistency in: tracking systems for movements of controlled (hazardous) wastes; hazardous waste data collection and reporting; hazardous waste levies; and landfill bans or conditional disposal restrictions.

Key points the Department will cover which will be presented by Andrew McNee, Assistant Secretary, Chemicals and Waste Branch, Department of the Environment will include:

The key federal policy objectives of hazardous waste reform which all aim to improve Australian hazardous waste management, markets and regulation.

These reforms when rolled out aim to reduce hazardous waste generation; ensure hazardous waste is managed efficiently; and protect human health and the environment. Other areas these reforms hope to impact include red tape reduction, developing a national waste data system and creating a seamless national economy.

Attendees will get first-hand insight into:

  • The infrastructure demands and capacity, and opportunities for reform in regards to hazardous waste in Australia,
  • Recent developments and federal discussions held to further understand Australia’s current and future hazardous waste infrastructure capacity,
  • An outline of opportunities for reform which will include a more nationally consistent approach to waste tracking, steps to improve data and reporting, and addressing gaps in infrastructure so as to better align transport and environmental regulation of hazardous waste.

The AWRE Breakfast (Sponsored by Transpacific) will be a short walk from AWRE at Cargo Hall on Thursday 13 August from 7.15am to 9am. Attendees will enjoy a hot breakfast while listening to Andrew McNee (Assistant Secretary, Chemicals and Waste Branch, Department of the Environment) address opportunities for hazardous waste policy reforms in Australia.

About AWRE:

Into its sixth instalment, the Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo (AWRE) is back in Melbourne in 2015. It attracts exhibitors and industry professionals from Australia, New Zealand, Asia, UK and North America looking for cutting-edge innovation in end-to-end waste management solutions.

When: 12-13 August, 2015

Where: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

For more information on AWRE, seminar programs and list of exhibitors, please go to www.awre.com.au

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