Whilst this has created challenges for some, the focus has actually created an opportunity for brands that can tap into demand for plastic alternatives. It is this idea of creating a brand from a commodity such as a straw or coffee cup that is fuelling growth in the sector.
Reusable coffee cup company KeepCup launched in Melbourne in 2009 effectively starting a reusable cup revolution. KeepCup says it’s making a genuine attempt to help solve the plastic problem.
We need to focus on solutions
However, there’s still some way to go. There’s quite a bit of confusion around what you can recycle, what you can’t, and where it all ends up. As a society we need to focus on the solutions that can be made. Then we need to make people aware of the impact of single use plastics.
In Australia it’s more about individual behavioural change. When War on Waste aired in Australia people started seeing the need to take on personal responsibility to make change which is great.