The Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo returns to the ICC Sydney 26 – 27 July 2023, with applications now open for their popular seminar series program.
Circular economy thinking is rapidly becoming a guiding force in business and government, but to understand why it’s so necessary, we need to understand the fundamental differences between linear and circular economies.
AWRE is leading the way in sustainable event management, and with the help of the ICC Sydney and our other event partners, we have set an ambitious target to send just 5% of our event waste to landfill.
Mining’s capability to divert used tyres from landfill to resource recovery requires industry, government, business and communities to collaborate; and Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) offers a way to do just that.
NZ based Mint Innovation was recently recognised by the World Economic Forum as one of 100 companies to create innovative technology focused on solving some of the world’s most pressing issues.